The concept of loans extends across several categories and institutions. From payday loans to bank loans to company loans, all of them are aimed at providing access to funds. People may want loans for different purposes. From buying a home to paying for air tickets to a bent car repair, people may require cash for anything. What is important is for them to know which kind of loan would help them the most in that situation. Payday loans are easier to come by. An easy form to fill out, a short processing time and easy repayment terms are the plus points of payday loans. The downside if it may be called that is that if you need a large sum of money, payday loans may not answer. In that case, a bank loan may be required.
Compared to payday loans, bank loans mean a bit of a wait. They could take from one week to three weeks to approve. The interest rates are often higher with stricter repayment conditions. Repayment defaults may lead to severe financial penalties. Bank loans will invariably involve payment over 6 months to two years or more. The bank loan transaction is more intricate and definitely more expensive than payday loans. Credit rating could affect your chances of approval.
Depending on the money required and the time frame involved, you have to decide which one is going to serve your purpose.
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